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Iterator-seq: Chunks And HasNext


f559db6386 Chops the iterator items into pieces, returning lists with sizes corresponding to ... def a = 0 def iter = [ hasNext:{ a < 10 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator assert [].iterator().. In computer programming, an iterator is an object that enables a programmer to traverse a ... Each Iterator provides a next() and hasNext() method, and may optionally support a remove() method. Iterators are ... For any iterable sequence type or class, the built-in function iter() is used to create an iterator object. The iterator .... I'm looking for a way to take a Seq and transform it to a Seq > for batch ... hasNext()) { currentIterator = new PredicateIterator(delegate, predicate, ... I intuitively get how chunked(long) chunks up the stream into n pieces.. java.util package has public interface Iterator and contains three methods: boolean hasNext(): It returns true if Iterator has more element to iterate. Object .... Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by this iterator (optional operation). Method Detail. hasNext. boolean hasNext(). Returns true if .... While careful usage of seq or iterator-seq over these iterators worked in the past, ... I call that may inadvertently "chunk" the Iterator I'm interop'ing with from Java. ... hasNext iter) (lazy-seq (cons (f (.next iter)) (iter-seq iter f))))).. But when this returns an element--an Iterable[T] --and that asks for multiple ... hasNext) oops() starting = false new Iterator[T] { var presumablyMore = true def .... The two basic operations on an iterator it are next and hasNext. ... An iterator that yields the elements elements returned by it in fixed-sized sequence "chunks".. reduce isn't always the fastest way to transform or iterate over a collection. ... Iterating over a sequence can be done with many functions in Clojure. ... Internally, a vector is made up of chunks of Java arrays of length 32. ... hasNext() check only does an index comparison and the call only an index .... Once “iterator-seq” makes a call to iter. hasNext(), HBase scanner goes out and fetches the first result based on its filter. While this sounds ok, internally, depending on HBase client caching configuration, it may end up in fetching lots a lots of data to “cache” locally before returning a single item.. Iterable<T> interface don't need a handy implementation of this pattern. ... void main(String[] args) { // create BitSet and set some bits BitSet bitset = new ... hasNext(); ) { System.out.println(; } for (Object o : al) { System.out.println(o); } } }.. The two basic operations on an iterator it are next and hasNext . A call to ... An iterator that yields the elements returned by it in fixed-sized sequence “chunks”.. computing, since they facilitate splitting a problem into smaller pieces that can then be executed in parallel. ... ix <- seq(i, length=n). + i <<- i + n. + ... We also need to define hasNext method for a iterator class that we'll call ihasNext: > hasNext.. Here's a simple chunked iterator I wrote up that makes it easy to provide list data in chunks. ... alternative would have been to use a list iterator to "collect" elements ... implements Iterable<List> { ... public boolean hasNext() {.. API documentation for the Rust `Iterator` trait in crate `std`. ... For example, slices ( &[T] ) implement IntoIterator , and so can be passed to chain() directly: ... let a = [1, 4, 2, 3]; // this iterator sequence is complex. let sum = a.iter() .cloned() .filter(|x| .... Iterator. The examples are extracted from open source Java projects. ... hasNext()) { TimeZone timeZone =; int timeZoneOffset = timeZone. ... int bits =; byte[] resultBytes = new byte[bits / 8]; for (HashCode hashCode .... ... because the Iterable and Iterator duo is enough for Scala's standard library. ... trait Iterator[+A] { def hasNext: Boolean def next(): A } ... hasNext: Boolean = { if (!hasChunk) { val len = if (len >= 0) { chunk = util.. According to Wikipedia, an iterator is “an object that enables a ... logical progression from one element to the next (so a list is iterable, while a set is not). ... Enter the ihasNext() wrapper which enables a hasNext() function for an iterator. > ... iterator, the second is the number of terms to be wrapped in a chunk.. Iterable $receiver$iv = (Iterable) (new IntRange(0, 10)); Iterator var2 = $receiver$iv.iterator();while (var2.hasNext()) { int element$iv = ((IntIterator) var2).nextInt();. Bits'n'tips'n'bellyaches ... The purpose of the Iterator and Iterable interfaces is to ease the parsing of object collections in loops, ... The iterator does not put any condition to end the loop, meaning that its hasNext() method always return true .


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